Hidden Infections with Dr. Justin Marchegiani
Original Air Date: Tuesday, November 19th at 7pm PT / 10pm ET
Dr. Lo is back after a long break!! And she’s ready to bring you some amazing content!
On this show, we have Dr. Justin Marchegiani joining us to discuss hidden infections and how they affect our health.
Did you know that hidden infections can be the root cause of thyroid problems? Chronic pain? Autoimmune disease? Hormone imbalances?
This is a topic that is often overlooked in medicine so tune in to get informed and empowered, AND learn what to do about it.
Rock Your Hormones with Stephanie Greunke, RD
Original Air Date: Tuesday, October 1st at 6pm PT / 9pm ET
Stephanie Greunke, RD, creator of RockYourHormones.com stops by Dr. Lo Radio to discuss how to balance your hormones naturally with nutrition.
Topics include:
• Hormone imbalances in female athletes
• What you can do TODAY to help balance your hormones
• The perfect diet for bad hormones
and more!
Nutritional IV Therapy with Dr. Paul Anderson
Original Air Date: Tuesday, September 24th at 6:30pm PT / 9:30pm ET
Dr. Paul Anderson, naturopathic doctor, joins Dr. Lo to discuss the benefits of IV therapy.
Topics we’ll include:
• What conditions benefit from IV nutrients
• Cutting edge therapies
• IV Therapy and cancer
Cholesterol: What the HDL? with Jimmy Moore
Original Air Date: Tuesday, Sept 17, 2013 at 6pm PT / 9pm ET
Jimmy Moore, host of the widely popular Livin’ La Vida Low Carb Show, returns to Dr. Lo radio to discuss his brand new book Cholesterol Clarity: What the HDL is Wrong With my Numbers?
In this show, we’ll discuss:
• Why high cholesterol/dietary fat may not really kill you
• What actually contributes to high cholesterol
• and more!
Healthy Mamas and Babies with Dr. Debroah Rice
Original Air Date: Tuesday, September 10th at 6pm PT / 9pm ET
Are you pregnant and soon to be a mama? Have you recently had a baby? Are you a mother to a toddler?
If so, this show’s for you!
Dr. Debroah Rice, naturopathic doctor and expert in women’s health and pediatrics joins Dr. Lo to discuss health during this exciting and challenging time.
In this show, we’ll cover:
• Tips for a healthy pregnancy
• How to beat the postpartum blues
• Herbal treatments for babies and kids
A Life of Balance with Aaron Keith
Original Air Date: Tuesday, August 20th at 6pm PT / 9pm ET
Feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day? Overwhelmed?
Feel disorganized and scattered? Can’t remember the last time you took a vacation?
You need BALANCE!
Aaron Keith, successful business coach, and founder of Ascension Programs, joins Dr. Lo to discuss how you can have a life of balance. You’ll learn techniques to turn your day from disarray and chaos into a totally do-able and manageable experience.
We’ll cover:
• How to have more vacations, a healthier body, more time with your family and friends
• What systems/structures are required in order to have a high level of balance present in each area of your business and personal life
• You’ll have a breakthrough in your relatedness to balance, which leads to greater success in work, relationships, and a greater experience of life.
The Meat Fix with John Nicholson
Original Air Date: Monday August 12th at 12pm PT
Special showtime to accommodate our UK guest!
John Nicholson, author of the new book, The Meat Fix: How A Lifetime of Healthy Eating Nearly Killed Mejoins Dr. Lo to discuss his story of 26 years of vegetarianism and the health consequences he experienced.
Tune in as John shares his personal story in how he reclaimed his health with the power of nutrition.
Naturopathic Treatment of Pain with Dr. John Neustadt
Original Air Date: Tuesday, August 6th at 6pm PT / 9pm ET
Do you have chronic pain?
Do your joints or muscles hurt?
Do you get back pain?
Do you have arthritis? Fibromyalgia? Headaches?
You have natural options that don’t involve NSAID’s or toxic medications and that actually work!
The fabulous Dr. John Neustadt, author and naturopathic doctor, returns to Dr. Lo Radio to discuss natural options for pain.
Oriental Medicine for Fertility with Shelly Krahn, LAc
Original Air Date: Tuesday, July 23rd at 6pm PT / 9pm ET
Did you know that more than 1 in 10 women have difficulty getting pregnant or carrying a pregnancy to term, regardless of marital status? Infertility is a growing problem and there are effective natural treatments!
Shelly Krahn LAc, acupuncturist and fertility expert, joins Dr Lo to discuss natural solutions for infertility using the power of Oriental medicine. On this show, we’ll discuss acupuncture and herbal medicine to promote fertility for both men and women.
A show not to miss!
Sleep Like a Baby with Dan Pardi, MS
Original Air Date: Tuesday, July 16th at 6pm PT / 9pm ET
Do you toss and turn at night? Take forever to fall asleep? Wake up feeling like you need another night’s sleep? If you answered yes to any of these, you are like millions of Americans who deal with insomnia. There are answers!
Dan Pardi, CEO and founder of Dan’s Plan and researcher on sleep neurobiology and cognitive neuroscience at Stanford University, joins Dr. Lo to discuss how YOU can sleep like a baby…naturally.
In this podast, you’ll learn:
• How much sleep you actually need
• Tips to fall asleep with ease
• How to normalize your circadian rhythm (adrenal regulation)
Get What You Need From the Opposite Sex with Alison Armstrong
Original Air Date: Wednesday, July 3rd at 9am PT / 12 pm ET
Alison Armstrong, a nationally known expert on understanding men and widely sought after educator, joins Dr. Lo to discuss relationships and the dynamic between men and women.
Are you in a relationship and want to truly understand your partner?
Are you single and desire a relationship with open communication and respect?
This is the show for YOU!
In this fun show you’ll learn, how to get what you want from a man/woman, communication tips with the opposite sex and more!
Why Isn’t My Brain Working with Dr. Datis Kharrazian
Original Air Date: Tuesday, June 26th at 6pm PT / 9pm ET
• Losing your memory?
• Can’t focus or concentrate?
• Got brain fog?
• Fatigue easily?
• Lost your zest for life?
The amazing Dr. Datis Kharrazian joins Dr. Lo to discuss his brand new book Why Isn’t My Brain Working?
His book will teach you easy-to-understand strategies to save and improve your brain function.
You’ll learn how simple diet and lifestyle changes and nutritional therapy can profoundly impact your brain health and thus the quality of your life!
Isn’t that what it’s all about?
Your Brain on Fire with Dr. Tom O’Bryan
Original Air Date: Tuesday, June 18th at 6pm PT / 9pm ET
Do you have brain fog?
Difficulty concentrating?
Feel out of it?
Do you walk into a room and forget why?
In this show, three time guest (because he’s THAT good), Dr. Tom O’Bryan returns to Dr Lo Radio to discuss brain health, and how you can support healthy brain function using diet and natural medicine.
We will cover the brain effects of gluten, the gut/brain connection, and how to be sharp as a tack!
So You Want to be an ND?
Original Air Date: June 11th at 6pm PT / 9pm ET
So, you love health, nutrition, natural medicine and all things health-related?
You’re considering being a naturopathic doctor?
Or perhaps you’re already in naturopathic medical school and you want to ROCK IT as a doc?
On this episode, Dr. Lo interviews the best of the best and brings their advice to you! Learn how to best prepare for ND school, how to excel while being a student, and tips to having a successful career in the naturopathic world.
Guests include:
Geo Espinosa ND, LAc, CNS, of NYU Langone Medical Center; Dr. Aliza Cicerone ND FABNO – Naturopathic Cancer Care; Insil Kang, Admissions, National College of Natural Medicine; Nicole Ortiz ND of LiveWell Clinic; Tabatha Parker ND – Naturopathic Doctors International
Microbes and YOUR HEALTH with Dr. Mark Davis
Original Air Date: Tuesday, June 4th at 6pm PT / 9pm ET
Did you know that you have 10x more gut bacteria than cells in your body?
Did you know that within you lies an entire ecosystem?
Having a healthy balance of flora throughout the body contributes to longevity and overall wellness. (not to mention ideal body weight, clear thinking, clear skin, strong immune system, and more!)
Dr. Mark Davis, naturopathic doctor, joins Dr Lo to discuss the human microbiota and how you can optimize it using natural therapies.
You can learn more about Dr. Davis here.
Stress & Adrenals: A Naturopathic View with Dr. Donielle Wilson
Original Air Date: Tuesday, May 28th at 6pm PT / 9pm ET
Dr. Donielle Wilson, naturopathic doctor, joins Dr Lo to discuss adrenal health and the impact of stress on the body.
You’ll learn:
• Clues that you might have adrenal dysfunction
• How stress hormones affect sex hormones
• How to handle the stress of everyday life
• Natural treatments for adrenal balance and more!
Health Q & A #2 with Dr. Lo
Original Air Date: Tuesday, May 14th at 6pm PT / 9pm ET
She’s answering YOUR questions!
Join Dr Lo for another fun and healthy Q & A.
Topics include:
the best way to test hormones
curing nail fungus naturally
natural treatments for lichen sclerosis
dairy and gluten allergies
health benefits of beef gelatin
weight loss of men vs women on paleo diet
iodine supplementation
hay fever and paleo diet
reversing severe anemia
To have your question answered on future shows, click here and submit your question!
21 Day Sugar Detox with Diane Sanfilippo
Original Air Date: Tuesday, April 30th at 6pm PT / 9pm ET
Do you experience brain fog, or difficulty remembering things? Anxiety, depression, or mood swings? Do you crave sweets and find it hard to cut out the sugar? Do you get fatigue throughout the day?
You could be ADDICTED to sugar!
Diane Sanfilippo, creator of the 21 Day Sugar Detox, joins Dr Lo to shed some light on how YOU can cut the habit and be free of YOUR addiction once and for all!
To join the next sugar detox, click here!
Specific Carbohydrate Diet with Jordan and Steve
Original Air Date: Tuesday, April 16th at 6pm PT / 9pm ET
Do you have digestive issues that JUST WON’T GO AWAY? Gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain or a combination of the above?/p>
If you said yes to these, The Specific Carbohydrate Diet may be a miracle cure for you. It is an extraordinarily effective treatment for many digestive disorders.
Steven and Jordan from the widely popular SCDLifestyle.com join Dr Lo to discuss their own personal stories and this way of life and how YOU can have a healthy digestive system.
Tune in for a fun and informative discussion.
Skintervention Guide: Purely Paleo Skincare with Liz Wolfe
Original Air Date: Tuesday, April 9th at 6pm PT / 9pm ET
Liz Wolfe, author of the newly released e-book Skintervention Guide: Purely Paleo Skincare and the cohost of Balanced Bites Podcast makes an appearance on Dr Lo Radio to share what YOU can do naturally for radiant skin, hair, and nails.
Healthy skin is SO much more than what you put on your face. It happens from the inside out. It involves your hormones, digestion, nutrient status, and detoxification. In this show, you’ll get tips for what you can do NOW to get the skin you never thought you could actually have.
To learn more about Liz Wolfe, click here!
To order her book, click here!