Regenerative Medicine: Where Are We & Where Are We Going with Dr. Brenden Cochran

I am really thrilled to have expert Brenden Cochran with us today to discuss a topic that has never been discussed on the show before: regenerative medicine. I recently heard him speak at a naturopathic convention and just knew I had to have him on the show for you! We cover a lot of interesting topics and you will not want to miss this! 


We Discuss:

  • {12:49} What ozone therapy is and how it works 
  • {17:15} Multiple applications of ozone therapy 
  • {20:30} A little bit about PRP 
  • {24:15} Ozone therapy at home 
  • {26:40} Ozone saunas 
  • {28:16} Things you should be aware of when using ozone 
  • {33:49} How Dr. Cochran uses ozone and vitamin C therapy with oncology patients
  • {35:41} Regenerative medicine for sports injuries 
  • And so much more! 


Links Mentioned:


Ozone Oils:

Dr. Brenden’s clinic:


About the Guest: 


Dr. Cochran strives for innovation and success in clients. He has a passion for education, guidance and outside the box thoughts to create and engage clients to reach peak performance. Dr. Cochran received his Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine from Bastyr University. He founded Interactive Health Clinic, with specialty focuses in functional/biological medicine, regenerative medicine, integrative oncology, and healthy aging. He is an expert in his field of regenerative injections and intravenous therapies. He has served as the medical fellow/director of intravenous therapy at the Bastyr Integrative Oncology Research Center (BIORC), Bastyr University’s cancer research center. Dr. Cochran is well known worldwide as a lecturer with International IV Therapy for Professionals, a group that specializes in educating physicians on intravenous nutrient therapy. He is also a lead instructor of Regenerative Therapies (Neural Therapy, Neural Prolotherapy (Perineural Injections), Ozone injections, PRP, and Biological Allograft). He has an active consulting business with H.E.R.O.E.S where he coaches physicians and professionals. As a keynote speaker and content creator, Dr. Cochran is dedicated to empowering doctors to build successful models in outcome-based medicine.


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– My Golden Eggs Fertility:

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