Hormone Balancing
Hormones, we all have them! Our hormones change throughout our lives and the slightest imbalance can cause a multitude of symptoms including: fatigue, mood swings, irritability, weight gain, headaches, temperature change, loss of libido and many more. We offer hormone testing both through the blood and the saliva for the most accurate results.
After reviewing your results, your Shine Doctor will work with you to address underlying imbalances using food, supplements, and if appropriate, Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT). We work with a local compounding pharmacy to create the perfect blend your body needs. BHRT is a natural way to balance your hormones using the exact molecular structure to the hormones that are naturally produced in your body. Nothing synthetic – your body actually recognizes it!
A woman with balanced hormones feels “juicier.” She has a balanced libido, abundant energy, mental clarity, and moisturized skin. That is the goal of our hormone balancing therapies – to have you feel better, while also preventing the risk of future diseases, like heart disease and diabetes.
Don’t forget, MEN have hormones too! We also run a full male hormone panel, including DHEA and testosterone. Depending on the results, we can customize a natural treatment plan to optimize a man’s hormones, leading to greater libido, greater energy, and increased fitness performance.
Get tested, get balanced, and SHINE.
* If you would like to more about Hormone Balancing or any other of our services, contact us today.